Living Frugal
Make your own cleaners with these recipes for homemade cleaning products. Clean house cheap and fast. One of the easiest ways to save money.

More homemade cleaning products to help you to live frugally and save money.

Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing Alcohol provides the base for an evaporating cleaner such as a glass cleaner. It cuts grease and dirt, disinfects and puts a mean shine on chrome and glass. Another inexpensive item to to add to your toolkit for living frugal.

Use as a Glass Cleaner
1 cup rubbing alcohol
1 cup water
1 tablespoon white vinegar

Mix solution in a spray bottle and use as needed to clean glass, cut grease and grime or disinfect.

Clean Granite countertops and appliances

Fill a spray bottle about 1/8th full of rubbing alcohol, add a drop of dishwashing soap, 2 drops of scented oil (optional). Fill the bottle with water and shake well.

All purpose cleaner
2 cups rubbing alcohol
1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid
1 tablespoon ammonia
2 quarts water

Combine in a spray bottle and shake well.

Ammonia is a strong alkaline solution that creates a stronger cleaning recipes than by using acidic vinegar. It cuts grease and grime and disinfects. It is a very inexpensive cleaning agent, but can be toxic, so use with care. I always wear a mask when using ammonia products.

(Never, ever mix ammonia with a chlorine solution such as Clorox, it creates an extremely toxic gas and can be deadly).

Glass Cleaner
1 cup rubbing alcohol
1 cup water
1 tablespoon clear, non-sudsing ammonia

Mix in spray bottle

Strong All Purpose Cleaner
1 tablespoon clear, non-sudsing ammonia
1 tablespoon laundry detergent (clear)
2 cups water

Oven cleaner
Fill a glass bowl with 1/2 ammonia, place in oven and close. Let it stand overnight and wipe the loosened dirt with paper towels. Depending upon the dirt, you may need to rub the surfaces with a suitable abrasive such as fine steel wool, then wash with soapy water and rinse.

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